
Odoo Connector for PanaPRO Call Center System

PanaPRO is a specially designed program for Panasonic devices to improve call centre work, productivity, and cost. It is an intuitive tool to manage and supervise call centre system errors while optimizing work and creating business opportunities.

Image Source: http://www.panapro.pl/index.html

PanaPRO Functionalities:

  • Online preview of the current state of connections.
  • With PanaPRO, one can have complete control over their agents’ work, the number of calls, the number of waiting calls, duration of needs.
  • The system automatically informs you of emergencies such as call me back/call me later service.
  • Displays the connection information and identifies the client before the consultant answers.
  • The ability to connect the customer always with the same consultant
  • Building consultant-client relationships along with the ability to import reports into a spreadsheet with an intuitive interface.

How does the Odoo-PanaPRO connector work?

  • The Odoo connector will fetch call history from Panasonic devices through PanaPRO and store their log details in Odoo to track overall call duration based on history status.
  • Users can see information about callers, important campaigns, and scheduled calls.
Odoo-PanaPRO Connector
  • Creates customers and lead records based on fetched data in Odoo.
Odoo-PanaPRO Connector

Once the data is stored in Odoo the user can manually follow the lead nurturing and sales flow.

Technical Detail:

  • The updated log file is located on the FTP server.
  • The connector runs crone at regular intervals to fetch updated data.

To find out more about the Odoo connector for PanaPRO, schedule a demo with our consultants now.

Visit Odoo App Store for custom Odoo modules.

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