For business, organization is the key, but having the right tool is too. After attending Odoo Experience 2021, we are pretty confident, Odoo 15, is that tool!
If you might have missed the event or want to review Odoo 15 release notes, we have curated a list of features that might interest most of the users.
Odoo 15 Features: All your Business Needs in the constantly changing digital world
- Automatic Tax detection and Tax reports for different countries (EU group).
Website Builder:
- The website builder provides suggestions for website design based on the business requirements and domain.
- A multitude of color pallet options to match the website theme. Else, Odoo 15 will fetch theme colors based on the business logo.
- Just select relevant pages you would like to display on your website, and you have your website ready.
- Users can now customize all the website content with available snippets.
Submit your Custom Website Snippet Requirements.
Odoo 15 E-commerce Module:
- One can display the price per unit on their e-commerce store.
- An automatic notification feature is available for customers when the product they wishlist is back in stock.
POS and Website:
- POS is integrated with the eCommerce and B2B sales process, which allows processing orders with pay and pick up later.
- Pay and pick up in-store with integration between POS and website
Odoo Discuss Module:
- One of the most innovative Odoo 15 features is- Discuss App Enhancements. Discuss app is now more of a Collaboration application. Post-pandemic many organizations and businesses have chosen to continue the WFH model.
- The Discuss module will let users- Organize calls, and video conferences, and share screens in Odoo while working on any tasks. One can do it with fellow users as well as with clients and suppliers.
This isn’t the end, Odoo 15 features go a long way with inventory adjustments, project enhancements, CRM potential, and more. Read more about module-wise features in the official Odoo 15 release notes.
Stay tuned for more updates on Odoo 15 and get in touch with our expert consultants to migrate your system from Odoo 14 to 15.