
Avail a Successful Migration from Magento 1 to 2 with Aktiv Software

Process of Migration from Magento 1 to 2, for sure can get your leg stuck within the wheels if proper guidance from experts is not involved in the process. Magento 2 is vastly different from all designs and architecture parts of Magento 1 and so, following proper practices is a must during migration.

The efforts you need to make for the migration of Magento 2 depend upon the complexity level of your store. Again, when it comes to dealing with high customizations it is advisable to rely upon a strong team of Magento experts. After all, you will never want to risk the loss of any minute details of your store.

So, here are some basic yet imperative steps which are followed by the team of Magento experts at Aktiv Software while performing your Migration from Magento 1 to 2.

Audit Report: The Discovery Phase is carried out before Migration is Initiated.

A unique initiative of listing down the store functionalities and working accordingly has been one of the best ways to fulfill the Migration procedure in a better way. For this we prepare a complete audit report describing what all data is accumulated in Magento 1. For instance, no. of the database, extensions, customization, theme, security, patch assessment and much more which we will further share with you.

Check Extensions and Customization Compatibility with Newer Version:

We check the compatibility of Magento 2 with existing code and extensions. If it is found reusable, we try to use the same rather than putting effort and time into the development of new code. Also, we follow industry-standard coding practices with zero changes in Magento core files. In case any of the codes/customizations are not similar to that of Magento 2 our team of developers will carry on the custom development in such cases.

Data Migration: Intended for Products, Customers, Orders and others:

With the help of the Magento Migration Tool, our team will migrate your database to Magento 2. If needed we also perform various verification tests after the migration is executed to avoid any unexpected errors when we provide you with an all-new Magento store.

Restoring SEO Values:

Magento will continue to evolve with new features in its every upgrade but SEO has been and will be the most commonly required thing in any of the Magento stores. So, we try to keep the SEO efforts as it is with meta tags, keywords, and other page details in order to restore the SEO ranking of Magento 1 in Magento 2 as well.

Emphasis on Security and Performance of Magento Shop:

Whatever might be the reason we know security shall not be compromised over anything while managing any eCommerce store. We will ensure that your new Magento 2 store is bounded with security along with optimized store performance to enhance your organization’s productivity.

QA Phase: Most Inevitable Yet Missed by Many!

We believe that our responsibility towards managing your Magento store is not up till the migration process. We go beyond the Migration process and allocate the task of testing the store to our QA team in order to avail the results of the migration process. If any error is detected we will resolve it before handing over the shop to our partners. Besides, we also perform QA tests through various online tools to cover the possibility of human errors too while reviewing the store functionalities.

The above-mentioned Migration from Magento to 2 practices seems like music to ears but actually when initiated can get you on your nerves if you don’t have adequate resources. Make sure you have the strong support of experienced and certified Magento developers.

Summing up the final note, we are proud that we have had the opportunity to generate satisfactory experiences with Migration services for our partners. If you are looking forward to migrating your Magento store don’t hesitate to contact us at  marketing@aktivsoftware.com and gather detailed information regarding the Migration process. We will be happy to serve your queries and requirements.

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