website for agricultural machinery

Magento 2 Website for Agricultural Machinery Suppliers

For worldwide customers, forage harvester suppliers from the Netherlands are independent specialists in used self-propelled forage harvesters and related attachments by providing OEM knowledge and service. They also support their customers by providing equipment health checks, service, repair, parts, upgrades, diagnostic software, and knowledge transfer.

We came across their requirement to build a Website for Agricultural Machinery products. They specifically wanted a portal where their customers could easily access all the adequate information about the product they wished to purchase. However, adhering to their industry standards and limitations, they wanted to skip the online checkout process.

But on the other hand, forage harvester suppliers wanted their customers to know the product thoroughly, so once they reached out to the suppliers, they would only have to discuss the commercials.

Agricultural Ecommerce Website Development

Looking forward to the easy usability requirements, we chose Magento 2 platform to develop a smooth browsing journey by enhancing customer touchpoints-

  • attract the user through simplified design.
  • Ensure all the product details are displayed or accessible within a few scrolls.
  • Make interaction very simple with our design. 
  • Include CTA at possible intervals to help users get a quote or get in touch with the agriculturist.
  • Let users consume product information as they want (view online/download in their system).

What did we observe?

Before developing the Website for Agricultural Machinery, we prepared a list of inevitable features to avoid serviceability issues.

  • Include all agricultural requirements for a particular product on the same page.
  • The search filter to browse specific products on the website.
  • Establish CTA to help users interact with the dealer for negotiations or queries.
  • Avoid heavy and clumsy web designing.
  • As the forage harvesters’ products are bulky, expand the scope to include detailed images of a particular product.

Actual Implementation of Website for Agricultural Machinery.

Third-Party Integrations

Powerall ERP:

As per the information gathered, the forage harvesters used PowerAll software to manage agricultural business processes such as sales, quotations, logistics, purchasing, and finance. To sync stock and product management operations, we performed Powerall ERP integration with Magento 2 website.

A cron job execution was enabled at specific intervals to automatically sync data (product name, SKU, product description) between both systems.

WhatsApp and WeChat:

The business model of forage harvester suppliers was unlike others, their buyers don’t purchase heavy machines right away through their portal. They browse through products, inquire about specifics, and then jump on a call to discuss the commercials. So, to ensure easy interaction with customers, we integrated industry-standard platforms like WhatsApp and WeChat with Magento 2 website.

Homepage Customizations: More Information in Lesser Scrolls!

Custom Search Feature:

A search filter to help users search equipment effortlessly is included on the homepage itself. One can search the equipment based on- Product Category, Manufacturing Company, and Model/Stock number.

Website for Agricultural Machinery

Slider with scroll:

To include more products in lesser scrolls on the homepage, we have customized a slider that could be scrolled horizontally.

Website for Agricultural Machinery

Main Menu Popup:

Agricultural E-commerce Website had an extensive menu. The main menu popup was developed to help users quickly browse through the service offerings, company information, product pages, know-how, and more.

Product Description Page Customizations

Image Gallery

Agricultural machines are bulky, so we developed a dedicated image library other than the product feature image to showcase all the necessary product spare parts images.  

Download PDP in PDF format

The purchase of heavy agriculture machinery requires the involvement and intervention of decision-makers over a long period. The decision to purchase a specific product also takes a long time than other usual products.

So, to help users save a reference of the required product, we have implemented a feature wherein users can download the whole product description page in a PDF format, keep it offline, and share it with associated decision-makers.

Website for Agricultural Machinery

To know more about the customizations performed on the Website for Agricultural Machinery, schedule a demo with our expert consultants. We ensure a smooth implementation of Magento 2 for your website requirements.

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