Magento 2.3.5

Magento 2.3.5: All About the Latest Version of Magento Commerce

Magento 2.3.5 released officially on April 28, 2020, has lent a helping hand to merchants facing challenges of limited resources and social distancing.

COVID-19 has disrupted not only the living pattern but also businesses all around the world. Merchants are continually facing constraints amid global economic crises.  Nevertheless, Magento’s latest version is a pact to agile and streamlined processes that will allow merchants to adapt to the changing circumstances quickly.

With the introduction of Magento 2.3.5, merchants can expect enhancements in security and performance while enabling unparalleled shopping experiences.

Here’s what Magento’s release has to offer merchants facing rapidly changing conditions around the world.

Magento 2.3.5- Features and Enhancements

Magento has managed to hitch all the necessary features from intuitive drag-and-drop page builder to futuristic technology i.e., AI-based product recommendations in its latest release.

Having fixed more than 180 functionalities in the core, the latest Magento Commerce also includes 25+ security enhancements. The upgrade ranges from a minor clean-up of the core code to significant improvements to GraphQL and Inventory Management.

PWA Studio 6.0.0

It encompasses new features as well as improvements in the existing features.

  • The launch of the PWA extensibility framework will enable the developers to create an extensible API for the storefront and write plugins that could modify the storefront logic through those APIs.
  • The improvised caching and data fetching optimizations will reduce over-fetching and prevent the storage of sensitive data.
  • Includes shopping cart components for a full-page shopping cart experience.

AI-based Product Recommendations

Magento 2.3.5 introduces AI Product Recommendations powered by Adobe Sensei to automate the digital merchandising exercise for retailers.

  • AI-driven retail features produced from accurate product affinities through multiple machine learning algorithms powered by Adobe Sensei.
  • Nine different recommendation types are available.
  • Auto-distributed page tagging
  • Integrated Merchant Interface


Use products and category list queries to retrieve information about products and categories.

Inventory Management Enhancements

  • New extension point for SourceDataProvider and StockDataProvider
  • View allocated inventory sources from the order list


Engagement Cloud and Magento B2B Integration include:

  • Company data sync
  • Shared catalogue data sync
  • Syncing of quoted data
  • Enhanced Importer performance
  • Optimized Coupon code resend

Enhanced Adobe Stock Integration

  • Image preview closes as you navigate to a new page while searching Adobe Stock Images
  • Image details are hidden in the search result list
  • Use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate images in the preview.
  • The search Stock Images button remains active after you have searched/saved an image from the media gallery.

Implementation of Content Security Policies (CSPs)

Magento 2.3.5 includes a set of powerful security tools for Magento installations i.e., Content Security Policies (CSP). The CSP provides an additional layer of security by helping to detect and mitigate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and related data injection attacks. This common attack vector works by injecting malicious content that falsely claims to originate from the website. After the malicious content is loaded and executed, it can initiate the unauthorized transfer of data.

Support for Elasticsearch 7.x.

Elasticsearch 7.x is now the supported catalogue search engine for both Magento Commerce and Magento Open Source. With this release, Magento 2.3.x supports only Elasticsearch 6.x and 7.x. Elasticsearch 2.x and 5.x are now deprecated for Magento 2.3.x and will be removed in Magento 2.4.0.

Magento 2.3.5

Payment Methods

Some third-party payment methods have been deprecated in this release. For further details visit this link.

Magento 2.3.5

Klarna Extension

The Klarna extension is now available in Australia and New Zealand. A new Oceania endpoint has been added to the existing API.

Magento 2.3.5


Addresses that are created or edited in the Customer Account are now validated when the module is enabled.

Magento 2.3.5
Magento 2.3.5

Restorable Configuration Settings

The Use Vertex for orders shipping to, Summarize Tax by, and Global Delivery Term now provides an option to be restored to their default setting.

Magento 2.3.5

Catalogue Improvements

  • Previously, Magento displayed recently viewed products from all websites, no matter which website the product was assigned to.
  • But in 2.3.5., The recently Viewed Products feature now shows products associated only with the current store view in multi-store deployments when Stores > Configurations > Catalog > Recently Viewed/Compared Products > Show for Current is set to store view.
  • You can now add a configurable product to the cart from the Cross-Sells tab.
  • You can now add a child product of a grouped product to your cart when one of the grouped product’s other child products is out-of-stock.

CMS content

Magento now lets you create CMS blocks with identical names if the blocks are assigned to different store views. Select from Gallery image thumbnails are now cached as expected. Previously, these images were resized on the fly.


  • bin/magento cron:run -v command no longer fails when the database name exceeds 64 characters but instead creates a shorter name.
  • Improved the reliability of background cron execution.


Magento 2.3.5 now respects store-specific settings that determine whether the telephone number field of the checkout workflow is required in a multi-site deployment.


Email templates (Admin > Marketing > Communications > Email Templates) can now be previewed from the Admin when JavaScript minification is enabled.


  • You can now create an offline credit memo successfully.
  • Customers can no longer check out when their order contains more products than are currently in stock.


You can now successfully add a product in quantities exceeding five to order from the Admin. Previously, when you tried to add a product in quantities exceeding five, Magento displayed this error: The requested qty is not available.

URL rewrites

You can now save a category that contains many products (for example, 140000). Previously, saving a category with this many products returned a 503 error.

  • Customer data section invalidation logic improvements
  • Improvisation in decreasing the of errors to the Redis

Enhancements in Infrastructure

  • PayPal Pro Payment works correctly in the Chrome 80 browsers.
  • Static code analysis by PHP Stan code integration

Page Builder Enhancements

  • Drag and drop page builder templates for better content creation
  • New design experience with attractive and rich UI
  • Connection of your Magento store with Amazon.

For a detailed release note, visit the official Magento 2.3.5 Guide.

The Magento 1 end of life is June 30, 2020, so it is recommended to upgrade your Magento store to the latest version soon. If you are looking forward to migrating to Magento 2, we are here to assist you with a free consultation.

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